Model: @ren.tinn Photographer: 2nd Life Photography Tats @raphcemo
Photographer: @colors_and_flows Model: @stilltinkling
look closely. Photographer: 2nd Life Photography Models: @hellohoebag and @riaaahxoxo
At the Edge of the World
They came to sit & dangle their feet off the edge of the world & after awhile they forgot everything but the good & true things they would do someday. – Brian Andreas Model – Melissa Mariah @melissamariahhh Model – Vanessa @vanerpoz Photographer – Julio Rodriguez @ovids_exhibit
Legs and Teddy Bears
Photographer: Tim – 2nd Life Photography Model: Zoë Robinson @zoegracedominica
Fuzzy Socks
Photographer/model: @fine_lines__4
The Blue Bedroom
photographer & model: @fine_lines__4
Miss Vintage Contemporary
Photographer: Jesse Greene Art @jessegreene_ Model @daddy0brien styled by Jesse Greene, Caitlyn Lennon, and @reverie.intimates
Yes Way, Rosé
Photographer: Angels and Drifters Model: Erin Divine
Sunlit Selfies
Photographer & Subject @oneofus.private
Locked In
photographer @femmesiren model @ellenglas
In Shadow
Photographer: Baptiste Audet
photo by Julien Simons model Kata Rzyna