Uncovered. Uncensored.

We believe that art and expression should not be stifled. That the human body and sex is to be celebrated, and not hidden away.

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“Why should I be ashamed to describe what nature was not ashamed to create?” – Pietro Aretino Today we bring you a highly erotic feature … captured so well in black and white which allows the distractions to fade and the emotion to come to the forefront. The woman in this shoot is pregnant .. […]

Two Lights

“Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien credits: @a.m.whispers @hot.cup.of.tea @gabrielle.ferragamo.g @eslapierlee @sweeetbabyrae @morgan.macneil @emmasimard

At the Edge of the World

They came to sit & dangle their feet off the edge of the world & after awhile they forgot everything but the good & true things they would do someday. –  Brian Andreas Model – Melissa Mariah @melissamariahhh Model – Vanessa @vanerpoz Photographer – Julio Rodriguez @ovids_exhibit


There’s nothing quite like a group of female goddesses together naked to bring about that renaissance of a victorian painting into a modern day photograph. models: @smellygosnelly @morgan.macneil @hot.cup.of.tea @gabrielle.ferragamo.g @manic.madsen photography @a.m.whispers

By the Waters Edge

To know one only deep over mastering passion – The love we share; To let the world go worrying in its fashion Without one care – We only, while around all weary grow, Unwearied stand, And midst the fickle changes others knows, Love – hand in hand At the Waters Edge – Rene Francois Armand […]

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